There are various provisions under Federal Law no. 2 of 2015 on the Commercial Companies Law (“CCL”) which relate to directors’ and managers’ liabilities and duty of care. The CCL is the most referenced legislation…
The UAE offers opportunities in all business sectors with its hospitable business climate and has become home to multinational companies and entrepreneurs. Setting up of company in UAE is a strategic decision and investors must…
Background On 12 November 2018, the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) issued the following new laws and regulations: Companies Law (DIFC Law No. 8 of 2018) and the Companies Regulation (“New Companies Law”) Operating Law…
Bribery & Corruption 2019 - United Arab Emirates Our Partner and Head of Shipping Department, Alessandro Tricoli has contributed to the Global Legal Insights to: Bribery & Corruption 2019. Bribery & Corruption 2019 covers key…
The M&A deal is nearing closing. You now have to transfer the shares of a limited liability company (“LLC”) in Dubai – how do you go about it? This ‘how-to’ note sets out the key…
Earlier this year, the UAE government announced that foreigners will be allowed to retain 100% ownership in UAE mainland companies. Federal Decree Law no. 19 of 2018 on Foreign Direct Investments (“FDI Law”) has finally…
Freezones have always been the topic of discussion in the U.A.E., especially when considering options for setting up a business within the country. Which is why, many investors are attracted to establishing a company within…
If your company is thinking of filing a bankruptcy petition under the relatively new bankruptcy law in the UAE (Federal Law Decree Law No. 9 of 2016), there are a few key things to keep…
Debts can be traced back to that time before the barter system. At that time, people exchanged services and goods for other services and goods in return. But, what if there were no current services…