Five Practical Steps to Transferring Shares in a Limited Liability Company in Dubai

The M&A deal is nearing closing.  You now have to transfer the shares of a limited liability company (“LLC”) in Dubai – how do you go about it? This ‘how-to’ note sets out the key…'
UPDATE: New Foreign Direct Investments Law

Earlier this year, the UAE government announced that foreigners will be allowed to retain 100% ownership in UAE mainland companies. Federal Decree Law no. 19 of 2018 on Foreign Direct Investments (“FDI Law”) has finally…'
Examining FIDIC Construction Contracts: Part 1 – The Dispute Adjudication Board

Muqawala contract or construction contract is in its general nature, governed by the general liability rules stipulated in the Federal Civil Transactions Law No. (5) of 1985 as amended by the law No. (1) of…'
Get 100% Foreign Ownership Today in Dubai

Freezones have always been the topic of discussion in the U.A.E., especially when considering options for setting up a business within the country. Which is why, many investors are attracted to establishing a company within…

Is UAE Maritime Court in the Pipeline?

The UAE government has included the Transportation Sector as one of the major Industry sectors in their strategic vision and the FTA (Federal Transport Authority) has taken on the task to improve the maritime infrastructure.…'
Seven Things to Know About Filing a Bankruptcy Petition in the UAE

If your company is thinking of filing a bankruptcy petition under the relatively new bankruptcy law in the UAE (Federal Law Decree Law No. 9 of 2016), there are a few key things to keep…'
All You Need to Know About Debt Recovery Procedures in the UAE

Debts can be traced back to that time before the barter system. At that time, people exchanged services and goods for other services and goods in return. But, what if there were no current services…

A Special Analysis on the UAE Maritime Commercial Law

A special analysis on the UAE Maritime Commercial Law: The current status and what is needed to be done to improve it In line with government's vision, the UAE Federal Transport Authority ("the FTA"), being…'
10-Point Guide to Antitrust and Competition Law in the UAE

Until the issue of the Federal Law No. 4 of 2012 on the Regulation of Competition, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) lacked a composite law on competition, with elements of competition law strewn over various…