A claim in Dubai of close to USD 1 million against Endofa will likely disappear because the bunker company is now closing its company in the desert state, says a local lawyer specialized in shipping.…
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a hot topic now, sensationalised headlines about startups raising as much as US$200 million in one go created a lot of frenzy amongst curious investors and regulators worldwide. At the peak,…
UAE was confident of swift removal from the tax haven list in 2018. The UAE, along with seven other countries, has been removed from the European Union's list of Uncooperative Tax Havens as the country…
Approximately 10 years after the establishment of the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre (“DIFC-LCIA”), the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre (“EMAC”) was officially launched. Like arbitrations conducted under the auspices of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association and the…
Dubai Court was founded in the year 1970 and has come to be known as prompt and equitable in the implementation of justice. Dubai Court is an integrated unit consisting of: The Court of First…
The Federal Tax Authority has issued Cabinet Decision no. 59 of 2017 on Designated Zones (“Cabinet Decision”) for the purposes of Federal Law no. 8 of 2017 on Value Added Tax (“VAT Law”). Art. 50…
We are pleased to have presented Jasmin Fichte as a main speaker of the VAT seminar titled “VAT in the UAE- Implications for the Shipping sector” on December 6th 2017. The seminar was introduced by…
Our Managing Partner, Jasmin Fichte, has been named in the top 10 Inspirational Lady-Bosses for Dubai, by online lifestyle magazine Lovin Dubai. Click here to check out the full article: https://lovindubai.com/best-of/inspirational-lady-bosses If you want to…
The long-awaited Draft Cabinet Decision on the Executive Regulation of Federal Decree Law no. 8 of 2017 on VAT (the “Regulations”) have recently been issued by the Federal Tax Authority. The Regulations have provided guidance…